Grid installation in Hamburg city service area


Based on a framework agreement EQOS Energie is performing grid installation work in Hamburg in the service area of a major power group. EQOS Energie is offering a 24/7 stand-by service to ensure smooth-running and fast reaction times.

The contracted services are aimed at maintaining reliable power supplying in the Hamburg city service area.

Installation work includes modernisation, new construction and troubleshooting services. The service portfolio consists of 0.4 kV, 10 kV and FM grid installations. EQOS Energie will also perform building connection, structural engineering, lighting and LSA (solder-, screw- and insulation-free) installation work.

The project

  • Customer: Utility provider
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Execution period: April 2014 to December 2015

Overview of services

  • HA installation and structural engineering
  • 0.4 kV grid installation and structural engineering, 10 kV grid installation
  • FM grid installation
  • Lighting/LSA installation
  • Site power supply

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