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Replacement and Repair of overhead lines in Hamburg


EQOS Energie is renewing around 200 kilometres of overhead lines and groundcables on twelve 110 kV overhead lines in Hamburg at the behest of DNO Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH. The special features of the project besides a tight, densely structured schedule was that all kinds of intersections have to be planned and considered separately. These include several motorways, railway facilities run by various operators, waterways, port facilities, residential areas, industrial parks and plants.

The aim of the project is to continue to ensure the viability of the Hamburger power supply over the next few decades. EQOS Energie will do this by replacing and repairing the lines, some of which are over 50 years old.

In this turnkey project EQOS Energie is responsible for determining the quantities of all required material, to procure and hold it ready for installation. Old ground cables are being replaced by new ones, each with 48 OWG fibres, so called optical ground wire (OPGW), and also outdated conductor wires on three 110 kV overhead lines. Besides cable pulls and installation work, EQOS Energie is also responsible for fibre optic connecting of the OWG fibres including linkage to the substations and final measurement.

The project

  • Customer: Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Execution period: December 2015 to June 2016

Overview of services

  • Modernisation of twelve 110 kV lines with delivery and installation of 180km of conductor cover and 120km OPGW
  • Project includes delivery of a ready fibre-optic connection
  • Work to be carried out between February and June 2016
  • Work to be carried out simultaneously on lines at three different locations
  • Preservation of existing data communication during the construction phase

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