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Two overhead lines into one


On behalf of a transmission grid operator EQOS Energie built a 380,000 V overhead line between the substations at Gütersloh and Leopoldshöhe-Bechterdissen. It runs parallel to a 220,000 V overhead line to the Bielefeld-Ost substation.

The project aimed at combining the new high-voltage and existing 110 kV lines. As the conversion project crossed a nearby motorway, the latter had to be closed twice for construction work. In the space of the two 15 minute traffic breaks the overhead fitters were able to dismantle and clip the wires from the poles.

During the break the fitters had to take down 14 contact wires from the high voltage line between Pole 39 and 40, including an overhead earth wire as protection against direct bolts of lightning above the high voltage lines, and a fibre-optic cable. A total of 86 poles were dismantled and 48 newly erected. Work continued until October 2014 along the 15 kilometre route from Senne to Bechterdissen. In January 2015 the first section to the Süd substation was completed.

The project

  • Customer: Transmission grid operator
  • Gütersloh, Germany

Overview of services

  • 70 km of overhead line construction
  • 9,400 m³ of concrete
  • Dismantling of 86 poles
  • Erection of 48 new poles
  • 385 km of new track cable

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