Expansions of the Grünkraut substation by a transformer


As part of the expansion of the 20-kV network and on behalf of distribution network operator Netze BW, the EQOS Energie experts from Austria have expanded the Grünkraut site by a 110/20-kV transformer and installed another 110-kV junction. In addition, a new transformer building with a 20-kV switchgear was built. The work covered the entire planning including submission plans and permit applications, installation, several inspections and commissioning. The project with a commission value of more than EUR 2 million was successfully completed in August 2017.

As part of the project, there was greater collaboration between the EQOS Energie national subsidiaries in Germany and Austria in the Energy Technology business field. The project management and the entire electrotechnical planning and documentation were the responsibility of experienced technicians from Austria while an external engineering firm in Germany was commissioned with submission plans and construction support of the project. Depending on the requirements and the projects, the EnBW subsidiary Netze BW avails the special expertise of both countries. Due to the cooperation EQOS Energie can provide additional capacities as needed in order to be able to handle even complex projects in the specified time period reliably and according to plan.

In the case of Grünkraut, the portable high-voltage testing system of EQOS Energie Austria was used to test the 20-kV switchgear. This system can be used to measure hazardous partial discharges, which can permanently damage the insulation of electrical equipment or cause serious electrical faults with substantial consequential damage as a worst-case scenario. Diagnostic measurements prior to commissioning help identify faults during the manufacturing process, transport or assembly.

Truly tried and tested is the use of teams from the Overhead Line business field: During substation projects such as Grünkraut, they can contribute their special expertise in mechanical engineering, during the construction of preliminary structures and the frequently required work at dwindling heights while the electrical engineers take care of the connection work in question. Due to the regularly deploy of overhead line fitters in energy technology projects across national borders even greater efficiency and better quality can be achieved.

The project

Overview of services

  • 110-kV transformer control panel
  • 110/20-kV, 40-MVA transformer
  • 20-kV switchgear
  • 20-kV E-compensation
  • Switchgear building

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