Expansion of the Würgau substation


EQOS Energie expanded the Würgau substation and installed one of the first phase-shifting systems that were built by our customer TenneT TSO GmbH as part of the grid expansion for the energy transformation. For this purpose, two lines running past the substation were integrated into the two existing overhead lines and the busbars were extended. As a result, two of the now four integrated circuits can be connected to the newly installed phase-shifting transformer sets as needed. The load flow between the substations in Redwitz and Würgau can be regulated by the newly connected phase shifters.

To enable this conversion, the existing installation had to be partially dismantled before the busbars could be extended and newly constructed. The conversion entailed an extension of the existing control panels as well as the construction of new line, coupling and phaseshifting control panels. In addition, bypass control panels were constructed in order to be able to connect the two lines directly to the phase-shifting transformer sets.
The conversion was executed in three different construction stages. The Energy Technology team performed the entire electrical dismantling, delivery and assembly of the required steel construction on the prepared foundations as well as the complete primary technical electrical installation. In secondary technology, EQOS Energie installed the control cubicles provided and installed the complete cable systems.

The project

Overview of services

  • Expansion of a 380-kV system by connecting two
    additional lines
  • Set-up of two phase-shifting control panels with one bypass control panel each
  • Execution of the entire primary and secondary technical
    installation work
  • Coordination of the work of the trades involved in accordance with the DGUV-V1 regulation

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